Medallia CEMents its Market Leadership

Medallia CEMents its Market Leadership

Epic funding by Sequoia solidifies tech unicorn’s position as the gold standard in the Customer Experience Management spaceWithin industry circles, Medallia has been regarded as the market leader in Customer Experience Management (CEM) software. In July 2015, however,...
Greenwave Systems and the IoT Guru

Greenwave Systems and the IoT Guru

Life is all about connections for global Internet of Things (IoT) software and services company Greenwave Systems®. Greenwave’s AXON Platform® easily manages a diverse array of IoT devices to provide a seamless connected experience and enable simple, frictionless...

Building marketplace credibility with analyst relations

According to the Institute of Industry Analyst Relations, around 40% to 60% of all technology-purchasing decisions are influenced by analysts. Yet analyst relations is an often-overlooked tool in a company’s communications arsenal (and it should not be). Married to a...

Company podcasting 101: tips and best practices

As explained in a previous post, company podcasting can be a great way to augment marketing and communications goals and showcase expertise in an engaging and popular format. If you’re considering the launch of a company podcast, here are some podcasting tips and best...